
Croatian Pauza Delivery Service Disappears Following Glovo Takeover

July the 4th, 2021 - The much loved Croatian Pauza delivery platform is no more following Glovo's takeover. The business move was initially announced back in May this year, and the first Croatian platform of this kind has now been extinguished.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Sergej Novosel Vuckovic writes, just as was announced back at the end of May, the once first Croatian web and mobile service for ordering and delivering food from restaurants -, has now ceased to exist under that name and officially operates within the Glovo platform, one of the largest global platforms for delivery.

Glovo announced that it would take over the Croatian Pauza delivery platform as part of the acquisitions of the Delivery Hero group in seven countries in Croatia's immediate region, of which Pauza was a part. Now all the conditions have been met and the green light of the regulator has been obtained, and the transaction was formally realised.

The Croatian Pauza, therefore, will no longer deliver orders and no longer operates, which can be seen on its page as people are automatically redirected to the Glovo page. The same applies to the Pauza application, as explained by Glovo, otherwise the Croatian market leader in on-demand delivery:

“The entire content of their application and website has already been transferred over to Glovo. Users who enter the Pauza app will be redirected to Glovo through personalised links and will be able to easily register for Glovo in just a few steps. Users of Pauza's website will be redirected to the Glovo website,'' they pointed out.

Catering facilities already present on the Pauza platform don't have to worry, nor do the platform's users, because a total of 800 restaurants have been successfully moved over to the Glovo platform. Glovo also cooperates with the retail chains Lonia, Tommy, dm and even INA petrol stations, and users know very well that they can order almost everything at home or to their office - from sandwiches and fresh meat to flowers, drinks and cosmetics.

“On-demand delivery platforms have been well received on the Croatian market and we're glad to be part of that success. In a very short period of time, from the announcement of the acquisition of the Croatian Pauza platform to the realisation itself, we worked diligently to provide users with the same choice of food they had with Pauza, but more than that. We're convinced that by combining the content and operational expertise of both applications we'll be able to offer our users a much better experience and ultimately the overall user experience,'' said Teo Sirola, CEO of Glovo Croatia.

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