
Sali on Dugi Otok Flips Epidemiological Situation from Terrible to Excellent

By 14 August 2021
Dugi otok
Dugi otok Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

August the 14th, 2021 - Sali on beautiful Dugi otok has managed to create a dramatic turnaround in terms of their local epidemiological situation. The novel coronavirus just about made it inside every single house in Sali, but that dire situation has now been well and truly flipped on its head.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, on two occasions over recent months, the town of Sali on Dugi otok has been an example of a situation in which the spread of the coronavirus infection has spiraled out of control. However, according to the latest data published by the Croatian Institute for Public Health, Sali is now at the very top in terms of vaccination, ending the virus' free reign.

Sali's current vaccination rate stands at 64.1 percent, and this is the official figure that has kept all eyes on Sali, a favorite destination for both Croatian and foreign sailors. Jacopo confirmed to HRT that he feels very safe in Sali, and Frederica confirmed that they were also vaccinated against the novel coronavirus. Knowing that they're in a country where a large number of people are vaccinated is very important to them, he added.

The tourist season for this location is a record in all respects, and the good epidemiological situation gives room for hope that it will last. Maja Kraljev from Sali works abroad and she is very pleased with the latest data - it is important to her that she can come to visit her parents there in peace.

Andjelko Raljevic Ciko, one of the more famous Sali residents, had no doubt in his mind whatsoever about whether or not he should get vaccinated. He suffers from chronic bronchitis and was first vaccinated on the recommendation of a doctor. He will do it a third time if he needs to, he says. There is almost no house in Sali where they didn't have coronavirus patients, which pushed most people to get vaccinated as soon as it became possible.

''It was rough and the virus hit us hard here. Fear crept in among the people. And we have to live, we have to work and protect our community. Both the elderly population and the children,'' said Marijana Orlic, a nurse.

The response of Sali's locals was also influenced by the availability of vaccines, thanks to the mobile team of the Zadar Institute of Public Health. This is a great message to send out about this beautiful little place and is by far the best invitation for visitors to come and spend time on Dugi otok.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated COVID-19 section and select your preferred language.
