
Minister Vili Beros: Two New Epidemiological Measures Being Prepared

By 12 September 2021

September the 12th, 2021 - Health Minister Vili Beros has stated that two new anti-epidemic measures are being prepared regarding the use of covid certificates.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the National Civil Protection Directorate recently held what has become a regular press conference, during which Minister Vili Beros discussed the current situation with the spread of the novel coronavirus, as well as measures that are in preparation.

''The key to success in this fight lies the hands of those who are still unvaccinated, whether or not all of our efforts simply come to nothing lies with them. Over 81 percent of those newly infected are unvaccinated people. In KBC Split, over 93 percent of those currently hospitalised are unvaccinated. So... don’t those numbers say it all? Over 90 percent, in some places over 94 percent of people on respirators aren't vaccinated. Maths doesn't lie, you don't have to trust me, trust mathematics,'' said the Minister of Health Vili Beros.

"Let's not gamble with this, let's save people's lives, I have to tell you that as your minister. As we have been talking about for some time now, aware of the epidemiological situation, we're preparing two new anti-epidemic measures that would introduce the use of the covid digital certificate, proof of having overcome the illness or some other proof of vaccination in the healthcare system. Several decisions are being prepared in the Ministry of Health on that topic,'' announced Beros.

He was asked if covid certificates would be applied in shopping centres.

"Every day we're talking about this issue. In the general context, we're thinking about other departments as well. I think that the department of social welfare is also the department where this should be introduced. But, if we think more broadly, depending on the unfolding of the ongoing pandemic... the profession will make a decision on shopping centres,'' he said.

"We are aware of the limitations of these covid certificates, but that being said, we think that it continues to be the best way at this moment in time,'' Minister Vili Beros said.

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