
Rebro Hospital Preparing to Sanction 11 Employees Over Covid Pass Issues

By 9 October 2021

October the 9th, 2021 - Croatia's largest medical facility, Zagreb's Rebro hospital, is preparing sanctions for eleven employees over issues regarding the recently introduced mandatory covid certificate system.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Rebro hospital (KBC Zagreb) is preparing eleven official warnings before dismissal for non-compliance with the introduction of digital covid certificates in the health and social care system, Jutarnji list has unofficially found out.

The largest Croatian hospital seems to be the first to have decided to more severely sanction its employees. Namely, yesterday was the third day since the introduction of the obligation to present covid certificates, and in the first two days of the system's application, according to the Ministry of Health, out of a total of 52,561 employees in healthcare, 31 of them refused to be tested for the novel coronavirus.

Refusal to show a Croatian covid certificate and the refusal to be tested is treated by the hospital as non-attendance and people who fall into this category will not receive compensation for that day. Three consecutive days of what is considered absence (as it is in this case) is considered a serious violation of the terms of employment and the employer may issue a formal warning before dismissal.

At KBC Sestre Milosrdnice, another large Zagreb hospital and the one with the highest number of people who didn't want to be tested in the first two days of this new system being in place for all hospital staff, there are no formal warnings given before dismissing an employee.

As Jutarnji list has since learned, the reason is solely because no one has been absent from work for three days in a row - yet. Namely, three employees were tested, one presented a covid certificate, four decided to go on sick leave, one employee went on holiday, and one person had a day off due to being on call.

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