
Tastes of Croatian Tradition Days Return in November, 110 Restaurants Participating

By 14 October 2021
Tastes of Croatian Tradition Days Return in November, 110 Restaurants Participating
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October 14, 2021 - Tastes of Croatian Tradition returns for its second edition next month after the pandemic brought the culinary event to a halt last year. 

Representatives of ten counties attended the council for "Tastes of Croatian Tradition," hosted by the Brod-Posavina County Tourist Board and held at Salaš Savus in Bukovlje near Slavonski Brod. After a one-year break due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was agreed at the session that the Taste of Croatian Tradition Days will be held from November 15 to 28, 2021.

As expected, in this second edition of the event, about 110 catering establishments bearing the Tastes of Croatian Tradition standard from 13 Croatian counties will be included. During the fourteen-day duration of the event, they will offer guests two menus consisting of at least three courses of local traditional dishes. Furthermore, restaurants will design the offer of their choice in one of four price groups: from 75, 95, 125, or 195 kuna.

The second Tastes of Croatian Tradition Days will be presented at a press conference in Zagreb in early November when the first national Tastes of Croatian Tradition labels prepared in digital and printed editions will be presented.

The Tastes of Croatian Tradition standard was received by another catering facility in the Brod-Posavina County area, which met the high criteria to be awarded the prestigious standard. Namely, Ružica Vidaković, director of the Brod-Posavina County Tourist Office, awarded the label to Kuća Piva restaurant in the town of Slavonski Brod, and it was received by the owner of the facility, Željko Špalat.

This standard is held by fourteen restaurants today in the Brod-Posavina County area. In 13 Croatian counties, the Tastes of Croatian Tradition standard is carried by almost 130 restaurants that offer at least six traditional dishes (of which two main dishes with side dishes are required) and at least six labels of local drinks, of which four are wines.

Source: HRTurizam

You can read more about the project HERE.

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