
Pula Urban Renewal Project: Pula's Ex-Military Facilities to Get Revamped

March the 8th, 2022 - The popular Istrian city of Pula has kicked off with the praiseworthy Pula Urban Renewal project which envisages the revamping of the city and wider area's multiple former military facilities.

As Morski writes, the City of Pula has launched the aforementioned Pula Urban Renewal project in order to encourage the further development of the city and its immediately surrounding areas through the reconstruction of neglected locations and the exploitation of the great potential that is ''locked up'' today in the former military areas in and around Pula.

The aim of the Pula Urban Renewal project is to encourage a new way of thinking about both the untapped potential and indeed the limitations of urban renewal processes and to show how it has its strong economic, environmental and human dimension to it. At the same time, the goal is to offer solutions in relation to institutional and implementation solutions of urban renewal across the whole of the Republic of Croatia, according to the Pula City Administration.

The Pula Urban Renewal project includes a comprehensive analysis of Pula: detailed spatial analyses, analyses of the urban context, economic activities and perspectives were also looked into and taken into account. More than twenty sites and buildings located in and around Pula with potential for urban renewal have been identified, from which three very different areas have been selected - Muzil, Hidrobaza and the Naval Hospital - for which development concepts and pre-feasibility studies are currently being prepared.

The Pula Urban Renewal project is otherwise being funded by a grant from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development through what's known as the Create Fund. The developer of the studies resulting from this project are being dealt with by an international team of experts consisting of Urbanex, KPMG and KCAP.

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