
Croatian Retirees Can Request Free Supplementary Health Insurance

April the 2nd, 2022 - Croatian retirees, we well as other groups of people legally resident in Croatia, can now request free supplementary health insurance coverage (dopunsko zdravstveno osiguranje) through the Croatian Health Insurance Fund, HZZO.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, HSU (Croatian Party of Pensioners) has called on all Croatian retirees, but also other residents to whom this new and very welcome rule applies, to make sure they take the opportunity to exercise their right to free supplementary health insurance.

Many Croatian retirees, as well as other groups of individuals who fall into the category of people to whom this applies, have still not exercised their right to supplementary health insurance at the expense of the state and may be needlessly paying for it, if they have it already. Amendments to the Law on Voluntary Health Insurance which came into force back in November last year, at the initiative of the HSU, raised the threshold.

This new free policy for an additional form of health insurance through HZZO can be realised by anyone who has an income of up to 2,065.60 kuna per family member, or 2,582 kuna for a single person.

If this is you, then what needs to be done?

If you are a Croatian retiree or fall into one of the aforementioned categories of people, you can make your way to your nearest local HZZO office and fill out the appropriate form to conclude your contract on supplementary health insurance at the expense of the state. A clerk working there will be able to point you in the right direction and guide you through the process and what you can expect from it if necessary.

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