
50,000 More People Insured at Croatian Pension Insurance Institute in One Year

June the 10th, 2022 - 50,000 more people have been registered by the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute since last year, as a marked employment increase following the pandemic and as we head towards the summer season bumps numbers up.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Jadranka Dozan writes, under the influence of increased seasonal employment which is very common in this country at this time of year, the total number of insured persons at the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute continued to grow throughout the month of May.

According to preliminary data from the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute (HZMO), their number increased by about 23,000 last month alone; with April’s just under 1.6 million at the end of May reaching 1,622,421.

Compared to the end of last May, the number of insured persons at the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute is higher by 48.5 thousand or three percent, while compared to the pandemic-dominated May of 2020, today it is almost 99 thousand or about 6.5 percent more.

The largest number of insured persons is sectorally concentrated in two large fields or blocks - in the manufacturing industry (with almost 250 thousand employees) and trade (with slightly less than 245 thousand people), but the largest increase hasn't been recorded in those sectors.

Over the past year, the number of insured persons in activities related to tourism has unsurprisingly increased the most (the provision of accommodation and food preparation and serving); at the end of May this year, there were 17.3 thousand more insured persons in those sectors today than there were one year ago.

At the end of last month, there were 5,300 more insured persons in the trade sector, at the end of the same month last year, in professional, scientific and technical activities there were almost 4,800 more, and in the processing industry, there were 4,610 more.

The HZMO analysis shows that compared to two years ago, the number of insured persons in the hospitality industry increased by more than 25,000, and a significant increase was recorded in construction, where the number of insured persons increased by almost 12.2 thousand in that two-year period (with the fact that since last May it has increased by four thousand).

Compared to two years ago, the number of those earning in the manufacturing industry has increased by more than 9,300.

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