
Ministry: New Law to Better Define Concession Procedures, Obligations

By 17 August 2022
Ministry: New Law to Better Define Concession Procedures, Obligations
Romulic & Stojcic

ZAGREB, 17 August, 2022 - Responding to the recent criticism by the Island Movement NGO, the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure on Wednesday said the new law wouldn't facilitate fencing off beaches and charging access but that it would more clearly define concession procedures and obligations.

The draft bill on the maritime domain and seaports is still in preparation, but we can confirm that it cannot be said the bill will facilitate fencing off beaches and charging access to them, the Ministry said in a press release.

It pointed out the situation was actually the opposite because the new bill should regulate more clearly and in detail the procedures and obligations of concessions providers and concession holders, as well as the consequences of violating obligations.

Also, all local government units in coastal areas will be obliged to protect and improve the maritime domain within their jurisdiction, take care of beaches in accordance with their needs, and manage the areas concerned transparently.

The working group engaged in drafting the new law includes experts in the field of maritime affairs and maritime domain, the Ministry said.

Also, the Ministry's expert services, namely State Secretary Josip Bilaver, have been in contact with a representative of the Island Movement, and their opinion has been sought and received, which will surely be of use when drafting the bill, it was added.

Once the wording of the draft law is completed, it will be published online and put to public consultation, so all interested will have the opportunity to make a comment and thus contribute to the creation of the law.
