
Blue World Vis Gets Financial Support for Educational Point Installation

By 15 September 2022

September the 15th, 2022 - The Blue World Vis (Plavi svijet Vis) organisation has received a large sum of money for the carrying out of their educational checkpoint project on this gorgeous Dalmatian island.

As Morski writes, Blue World Vis has received financial support in the encouraging amount of almost one million kuna for the implementation of their project "View of the Sea - the educational checkpoints of the island of Vis/Pogled na more - edukativni punktovi otoka Visa''

The purpose of the project is the education and sensitisation of the wider general public on the topics of environmental protection and biodiversity through the creation of three educational checkpoints on the island of Vis. The entire operation is being co-financed by the European Union (EU) from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

Raising the public's level of awareness of the dangers of climate change and failing to correctly take care of our environment has become more and more prominent in our society as a whole, and within the European Union, there have been many efforts focused on going green and digital, eliminating our habit of needlessly harming the environment and causing damage to our planet for future generations.

Across Croatia, there have been multiple projects carried out dediated solely to the selfless cause of raising environmental awareness, from regular organised beach and seabed clean ups to the financing of proper waste separation and recycling yards. The Blue World Vis project is just one in a string of such projects set to educate the public about this burning global topic.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.
