Made in Croatia

Entrepreneurs' Camp Takes Place in Solin, Croatia

By 4 October 2015

A camp for entrepreneurs in the heart of Dalmatia.

"Three years ago when we organized the first entrepreneurs' camp, we wanted to put it on the map of Europe. Now, when I see its reach and a ballroom full of participants, I believe we are on the right track", said Ivana Ninčević, president of the Entrepreneurial Centre in Solin, at the opening of the Entrepreneurs' Camp at the President Hotel in Solin, reports Slobodna Dalmacija on October 4, 2015.

"This year, 24 participants applied with their ideas, five of which have decided to present them in front of wider audience. Our entrepreneurs' camp was also just an idea at the very beginning, so follow your ideas with ​​courage and have no fear", said Ninčević to all participants. Anđelko Katavić spoke on behalf of the Split-Dalmatia County, presenting the program of economic development of the county, as well as entrepreneurship incentives which are on offer.

"My heart leapt when I saw so many young and enterprising people on which the future of our city and Croatia depends. Therefore, initiatives like this of the Entrepreneurial Centre will always have our support", said the mayor of Solin Blaženko Boban.

The opening ceremony was followed by a panel discussion open to the general public on the topic "Rural development of local government units for the development of entrepreneurship". One of the participants was Ivan Mrvoš from Solin, the winner of last year's camp who presented his numerous ideas, from "lighting chair" to "smart bench". He said that such benches have already been placed all over Croatia, and he has even received orders from around the world.

This year, the event was staged under the auspices of the Croatian president Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Trades, the Split-Dalmatia County and the City of Solin.

Five participants presented their entrepreneurial ideas: Filip Lagator presented the idea of ​​mobile application "Cook Me Now!", which helps in preparing meals based on the food which users have in their fridges; Andro Kuzmanić, a student of the Faculty of Economics, presented "Chess Genius" (a chessboard modernized with new technologies, with touch-screen, LED lighting, USB port, Wi-Fi, and options such as "smart move" and "virtual adjudicator"); Josip Lažeta introduced Jakša Vidović's idea "Lucky4You" (self-sustaining station which serves as an information point with Wi-Fi access); Ives Cikatić-Bilaš presented a specialized travel agency (tourism for people with special needs, tourism without barriers); while Krunoslav Poljak introduced "Vozi Me", a mobile application for easy transport by private cars to the desired location.
