Made in Croatia

Croatia Wins "PR Report Award" for their Campaign in International Markets

By 24 November 2016

The Croatian National Tourist Board, together with their partner in the international markets, the PR agency Grayling, won the prestigious award "PR Report Award" in the category "Consumer Marketing" in a fierce competition of world famous companies such as Microsoft and Colgate-Palmolive.

The gala and 14th award ceremony was held on 22 November in Berlin, and was organized by the independent German magazine “PR Report” which is intended for PR professionals and experts in the field of public relations, reports HRTurizam.


"I am very pleased to have won this prestigious award because it confirms what we communicated intensively, and this is a new direction in promotional activities that the Croatian National Tourist Board started two years ago. Our PR and marketing activities are integrated, and we know exactly where we pay and how and where to market. We also have global partners in foreign markets that we, together with our missions, serve as an additional strategic support. The Croatian tourist brand is, metaphorically speaking, every day stronger, and these awards for us at the same time represent satisfaction and motivation for further action,” said HTZ director Ratomir Ivičić.


In an effort to stand out (and essentially win these awards), the HTZ successfully implemented and realized projects such as "Around the World in One Country", "Croatia Loves You", and "We'll see you in Denmark", all under the communication concept "Croatia Full of Life".


Further details can be found here.
