Made in Croatia

Buba Bar: An Effort to Open the First Cafe in Croatia to Employ People with Disabilities

By 5 December 2016

Today, a crowdfunding campaign launched on the platform Indiegogo with a noble goal to open the first coffeehouse in Croatia that will employ people with Down Syndrome: Buba Bar.

From a total of 500,000 people with disabilities in Croatia, only 2.4% of them are employed. In an effort to change the statistic, Udruga Bubamara (Association Ladybird) from Vinkovci, which takes care of more than 1,400 people with disabilities in the Vukovar-Srijem County, has launched a campaign to open the first coffeehouse in Croatia to employ people with Down Syndrome. The association employs about 245 people with the implementation of more than 80 projects, reports HRTurizam.


Part of the funds for equipping Buba Bar have already been secured by HEP, and the other part is planned to be provided through the crowdfunding campaign that began on Indiegogo today. As of this evening, the campaign has already collected more than 24 percent of the planned $10,000 in their goal. Although the initial goal is only the first objective and only enough for the minimum requirements to make Buba Bar functional, all financial assets that exceed the initial goal will also be designated for additional cafe needs.


The Buba Bar will be the first coffee shop in Croatia to employ people with Down syndrome where guests will be served by people with disabilities.


"We believe that people with Down syndrome make wonderful employees who can make positive contributions to a business when given the chance. And make the extra coffee with that one extra chromosome! Our mandate is to improve the quality of life for the intellectually challenged, and to evolve the Croatian societal views and acceptance of these individuals into society. Our vision is that Buba Bar will be the icebreaker and that we shall pave the path that soon every city in Croatia gets its Buba Bar! Our vision is to give young adults with disabilities the possibility to live their lives just like every other person. We want them to be able to have their own job,” writes Udruga Bubamara. In addition, as part of this year's Advent in Vinkovci, a temporary Buba Bar has opened under the same concept.


"The administration of Vinkovci has recognised the potential of this social entrepreneurship project. They gave us to use for the bar a 500m2 space in the city center, but it needs adaptation. This money will be invested in space arrangement and furnishing. The Bar will be completely adapted for people with disabilities and the pleasant ambience will be useful for wider local community, providing the possibility for spending some quality time and common activities."


"Help us build the place of equal possibilities for everyone -  on both sides of the bar,” concludes Udruga Bubamara.

For more information you can visit the Indiegogo campaign here.
