Made in Croatia

Croatia's 14-Year-Old Math Genius Invents a Life-Saving Robot

By 18 December 2015

Meet the talented teenager from Split whose genius is saving lives.

He is a triple national champion in math, he has invented a prototype of a robot which can saves lives, and he is only 14 years old. His name is Darijan Gudelj from Split. His knowledge and skills have already been recognized outside of Croatian borders as well – and he has already received some interesting offers, reports on December 18, 2015.

His robot is designed to rescue injured people. "This prototype has a control panel which is located in its centre, and it has more than 20 sensors which allow it to find the victim", explained Darijan, who is an eighth grade student.

Mathematics and physics are his areas of expertise. Talented Darijan has won the title of the best mathematician in Croatia three times in a row, while his robot won the fifth place at a competition. "Robots like this are quite rare in Croatia. There is one in Varaždin, but this is the only one in this region", Darijan added.

"Darijan is an extremely talented and hard-working student as far as robotics is concerned", his teacher Toni Jagnjić said.

Darijan has worked on his robot together with friend Antonio. It was not easy to make and program it, and the prototype costs around 7,000 kuna. "We need more money because robots like this are terribly expensive and we simply do not have money for certain parts. People in Varaždin are in a better position and can buy what they need", said Antonio Nikolić, a seventh grade student.

Talent scouts have already recognized Darijan's talents and he has received some international offers. "There is some interest, but we have turned them down because we believe that it is still not time for Darijan to leave Croatia for some other country. His wish is to go to a global research centre and demonstrate his knowledge and skills", Darijan's father Luka Gudelj said.

"Of course, I admire Tesla and Einstein, and I want to make it like them and do something meaningful and good for humanity". Darijan concluded.

For him, success is certainly within reach. However, it would be best if talented people like him would remain living and working in Croatia after all.
