Made in Croatia

Smart Benches from Croatia to Bring 30 New Jobs

By 22 December 2015

A genius invention from a young man in Solin is going global and creating jobs. 

Ivan Mrvoš, a young genius from Solin near Split, has once again re-invented the bench. This time, it is a new model of the smart bench which was publicly presented today. Smart Bench 2 brings many new features, among other things, wireless charging and air purifying system, reports Dalmatinski Portal on December 22, 2015.

“Unlike the first model of the bench, the new model enables wireless charging of mobile phones. So, users can recharge their devices without using cables. In addition, the new bench will have an air cleaning system. With one or two benches in a city, it might not make any difference, but for a city which were to buy fifty benches, that could make a significant step towards purifying the air in the city. The new bench will have better solar panels. We have developed our own battery system, based on the model of Tesla Motors which produces electric cars. Another novelty is the information screen on which users will be able to see data on air quality, and the cities will be able to use it for promotional purposes”, Ivan explained.

The smart bench is an innovative product made by an entrepreneur and student of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Split Ivan Mrvoš who invented the product and started his own company. “So far, we have produced everything at my home, including this new bench. Today, we have officially announced the first round of investment, although in the last month we have been negotiating with various investors from Austria, the United Kingdom, Qatar, and the United States. There are a large number of investors who are interested in our smart bench, and after negotiations we will decide who we are going to work with”, the young entrepreneur said. “The current model of smart bench has been sold at the price of about 11,000 kuna, while the new bench will cost around a thousand kuna more”, said Ivan.

The solar bench includes batteries which are powered by solar panels, so it is possible to charge cell phones, see the information about the air quality and much more. The objective is to raise awareness about renewable energy as the energy of the future and about protection of the environment. “This year, we have used all of our production capacities; we have had more inquiries than we could produce. Last month, we have refused orders for over 50 benches, simply because we are limited with production capacities, but it is certainly a good indication that there is interest. The plan is to employ 25-30 people next year and to construct an 800 square metres facility, hopefully in Solin. With such facility, we believe that we would be able to produce more than 300 benches per month”, the young genius from Solin said.
