Made in Croatia

Brodosplit Shipyard Launches Another Small Cruise Ship

By 26 October 2017

Croatia’s small cruise ship fleet is getting younger.

The Brodosplit shipyard in Split launched into the sea the construction project number 538, a small cruise ship which a company that is part of the Brodosplit-BSO group is constructing for Brodarstvo Marasović from Krila Jesenice, reports on October 26, 2017.

According to the design and classification documentation approved in accordance with the rules of the Croatian Ship Registry, Brodosplit's special department has built a steel hull and superstructure for the ship which is 48.79 metres in length, 8.8 metres in width, 3.82 metres in height, and with 2.40 metres of the draft. Navigation and enjoyment of beautiful landscape along the Adriatic islands and the coast will be enabled by two engines of 368 kW each.

According to the long-honoured tradition, numerous members of the Marasović family, construction and financing partners and friends, attended the launching ceremony at the shipyard. Andrija Marasović, the owner of the company, cut the rope which was tied to a champagne bottle and symbolically launched the ship into the sea.

“For several decades, our family has been involved in organising excursions and multi-day cruises to the islands. My father first organised trips on wooden vessels which used to transport sand, and now they have been replaced by modern steel ships, of which there are many in Krilo Jesenice. Our guests are delighted with the level of luxury and service we provide,” said Andrija Marasović, the primary owner of the new ship.

With the latest launch, the series of construction of small cruise ships, which are known under the name “Kriljani”, has reached the number of 13 vessels. Their building is part of the programme for the renovation and rejuvenation of the travel and excursion fleet owned by Croatian private ship-owners – entrepreneurs whose goal is the development of small-scale entrepreneurship on the coast and islands, as well as tourism development through organised one-day excursions and multi-day cruises.

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