Made in Croatia

Have you Discovered the Treasure of Linđo?

By 15 December 2017

You may have heard of or even seen the performances of Linđo, the best known Croatian folklore ensemble originating from Dubrovnik, but did you know they also nourish younger performers?

Treasure of Linđo, the youngest group of the Folklore Ensemble Linđo from Dubrovnik, performs at school events, for holidays, at humanitarian concerts and various folklore presentations. It is composed of younger grade school pupils. The group leader is Jadran Radonić, dance teacher, dancer and folk instrument musician.

In October of 2017, Linđo presented a new souvenir shop in Dubrovnik, as well as the Linđo colouring book “Linđo Treasure – Heritage in Colours,” whose goal is to introduce traditional culture of Dubrovnik to children. They also plan to make it available in English soon.

“Our goal is to be familiar with young generations, as such a base can provide us with future quality performers,” said Deputy Director of this institution Vlaho Kljunak. Joining Linđo means new friendships, lovely life experiences and travel. Their next event is a Christmas singing concert in the Little Brothers church in Dubrovnik on December 29, as well as two traditional carols on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.


Their work was recently praised by Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Franković: “Fact is that Linđo is built on the most basic principle, and this is amateurs; what would Linđo be without a group of enthusiasts, young people who come to have fun, learn, dance and ultimately present the rich cultural and historical offer of our region. It is all in vain if there are no young people to inherit these values and carry them forward.”

