Made in Croatia

Croatian Students Win First Prize in a European Slogan Competition

By 17 February 2016

Top European slogans, made in Croatia. 

Students from the fourth grade of the Economy High School in Varaždin have won the first prize for their video feature which they submitted to the EU competition named the LADEER Project. The competition included 293 schools from 17 countries, and the students from Varaždin managed to qualify for the finals where they were the best and deservedly won the first prize reports on February 17, 2016.

The aim of the competition was to create a slogan which will stimulate interest and increase the level of awareness regarding the development issues such as human rights protection, migrations, the fight against poverty, tolerance, environmental protection, recycling, organic food and similar topics.

The design of the Varaždin submission was created by students Ena Anđel, Jelena Buden, Filip Hadrović, Martina Končevski, Monika Kuzmić, Dalija Poustecki, Danica Štriga and Anamarija Žuliček.

The slogan which the students from Varaždin created reads: "Do not let your eyes cover your heart with judgment."

In addition to the students from Varaždin, the project also included 42 other schools from Croatia. A drawing and a slogan created by 13-year-old Andrija Aračić, a seventh grade student of the Stjepan Radić Elementary School from Imotski, were also selected as one of the five best works sent to the competition.
