Made in Croatia

“Eatsy Bitsy” App to Change Restaurant Business

By 18 October 2018

The app can be used in about a hundred restaurants in Croatia.

The most innovative solutions are usually developed by people who see or experience a problem and then decide to solve it by creating a completely new and practical solution that will be beneficial to many others in a same or similar situation. One of such innovators is the 34-year-old from Dubrovnik Vedran Miović. He has created the Eatsy Bitsy app, which he expects will change the restaurant business as we know it. The app was presented at the Kaptol Center in Zagreb last night, and some have already started calling it “Uber for restaurants,” reports on October 18, 2018.

It is an app which you can use to book tables at restaurants, choose and order your food, but also to pay for what you have eaten, which is precisely what makes it the only global mobile app of this kind.

“Since I have a business and a travel agency, the idea for this app came from my own work experience, specifically in tourism. We take care of reservations for many of our guests, but it often happens that restaurants are already full when we call them. I realized that in such situations a new app would be helpful to us, tourists and everyone else.

The app allows you to select the restaurant you want to go, reserve your table, and choose and order meals based on the offered menu and price list. Honestly, the initial idea was to devise something to make things easier for us but seeing there is nothing similar to this in the Croatian market, my team and I have created an app which is different from many other similar apps because it also covers the payment of services.

Guests do not have to think anymore whether they have enough money with them. Once a credit card has been loaded into the system, everything is done by the app. After the meal is over, the restaurant issues a bill and the amount appears on the guest’s mobile phone display, who can they pay it with their phone.

Using the app at the same time eliminates the possibility of people leaving fake comments since only those who have really been to a restaurant and consumed food and paid for it can comment and evaluate the restaurant and the food. The restaurant can also evaluate each guest. This creates a community of users and restaurant owners, similar to Uber because only those who actually use the services can evaluate them,” said Miović. He added that the same app can also be used for ordering food deliveries.

The developer said that the app was experimentally released during the spring and that at this time there are already about 2,000 users. “With this app, you can now book a table, order and pay for food in about a hundred restaurants in Croatia, of which 60 are in Zagreb, 30 in Dubrovnik and a dozen in Zadar. The app will soon be available in restaurants in Split, while the number of restaurants in Zagreb and Dubrovnik is constantly increasing.

Of course, our wish is to expand the app to other countries. As soon as we are able to prove that this is a good solution for the Croatian market, we will see what possibilities there are to expand to foreign markets as well,” said Miović.

Translated from (reported by Božena Matijević).
