Made in Croatia

Croatian Companies Donate 60.8 Million Kuna to Coronavirus Fight

By 22 April 2020

As Matea Grbac/Novac writes on the 21st of April, 2020, the fact that Croatia has a ''big heart'' has once again been proven in the ongoing coronavirus crisis. In order to support the work of medical staff, firefighters, volunteers and all those who found themselves on the front lines due to the coronavirus pandemic and earthquake in Zagreb, some of the largest Croatian companies have decided to donate huge sums.

Podravka, Zagrebacka Banka, INA, HEP, Hrvatski Telekom, Fortenova Group, and A1 Croatia are just some of the Croatian companies that have decided to help the City of Zagreb and the Croatian healthcare system with generous donations. Thus, in their struggle for the betterment and quicker recovery of Croatia, the Croatian companies singled out here donated as much as 60,863,500 kuna.

United Group - donated 3 million US dollars (about 20.9 million kuna)

The United Group operates in seven countries in the region, in the spirit of solidarity in the fight against the ongoing pandemic, it has sent medical equipment and cash worth a total of 3 million dollars. Thus, the Croatian health system has been awarded equipment worth 500,000 dollars (about 3.4 million kuna), which includes 5,600 sets of COVID-19 virus tests, seven respirators, 150,000 masks, 280 thermometers and 4,000 safety glasses.

HEP - donated 5.2 million kuna

Along with the United Group, the largest amount was donated to charity by HEP employees in collaboration with the company's management. By giving up 500 kuna from their own wages, or the collecting of a total of 100,000 in the case of members of the management board, they jointly raised a massive 5.2 million kuna. The donation was donated to help fight coronavirus and repair the damage caused by the Zagreb earthquake.

Adris Group - donated 5 million kuna

The Adris Group decided to provide financial assistance to those most in need through two rounds of donations. In addition to the initial 3 million kuna donated by the Adris Foundation to procure respirators for hospitals in Rijeka and Pula, the Adris administration decided to donate an additional 2 million kuna for the restoration of cultural monuments damaged in the earthquake that hit the Croatian capital recently.

Privredna banka Zagreb - donated 4.9 million kuna

After an initial donation of 1 million kuna to the "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Zagreb, the PBZ Group decided to donate an additional 3.5 million kuna to the general hospitals in Zagreb. With this act, they included as many as seven hospitals, and to each of them they allocated 500,000 kuna. In addition, they donated 400,000 kuna to the Pula General Hospital.

Fortenova Group (former Agrokor) - donated 4 million kuna

Compared to the Croatian companies listed above, the Fortenova Group decided on a slightly different approach. Financial assistance of a total of 4 million kuna was sent to all countries in the region in which they operate. In addition, they donated half a million disposable protective masks to the Civil Protection Directorate worth nearly two million kuna in total.

Hrvatski Telekom (Croatian Telecom) - donated 4 million kuna

They donated a total of 4 million kuna to the ''Dr. Fran Mihaljevic'' Clinic for Infectious Diseases, which redistributed the proceeds according to its own needs, all with the aim of helping to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

OTP banka - donated 2.9 million kuna

In two rounds, OTP banka donated a total of 2.9 million kuna to fight COVID-19, but also to repair parts of Zagreb after the earthquake. In the first round, the bank donated 1.4 million kuna to hospitals across the country, giving general hospitals in Zadar, Sibenik, Split, Dubrovnik, Osijek, Sisak and Pula 200,000 kuna each. Then, immediately after the earthquake, OTP banka sent additional funds in the amount of 1.5 million kuna to Zagreb hospitals to repair earthquake damage.

JANAF - donated 2 million kuna

Through a number of individual donations to hospitals across the country, as well as by paying into the accounts of the Together for Zagreb and Croatia against Coronavirus actions, JANAF donated a total of 2 million kuna. Workers have also shown solidarity during these difficult times, by donating their Eastet bonuses, in the amount of more than 250,000 kuna.

INA - donated 1.5 million kuna

INA, which donated 1.5 million kuna to health institutions, associations and institutions throughout Croatia, showed its solidarity in these difficult conditions. The company donated 250,000 kuna to the ''Dr Fran Mihaljevic'' Clinic for Infectious Diseases and a further 250,000 kuna to the Health Centre of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, while to the General Hospital Dr Ivo Pedišić in Sisak and to the Croatian Red Cross, INA donated 100,000 kuna each.

The Special Hospital for Chronic Pediatric Diseases in Gornja Bistra and the Croatian Institute for Emergency Medicine were donated 50,000 kuna each. In addition, the Rebro Pediatric Oncology Foundation was donated 200,000 kuna for equipment for pediatric hematology and oncology, and 100,000 kuna was donated to the Pediatric Department at the Pula General Hospital. Additionally, INA donated 50,000 kuna to the Kamensko Association, which sews cotton masks, while the Rudjer Boskovic Technical School in Vinkovci was donated 10,000 kuna to make visors on 3D printers. To help repair the damage caused by the Zagreb earthquake, INA also donated 250,000 kuna to the Together for Zagreb campaign, and another 100,000 kuna was donated to the Zagreb Children's Diseases Clinic.

Nexe Group - donated 1.5 million kuna

A regional manufacturer of building materials, the Nexe Group has donated 1.5 million kuna for the purchase of medical equipment to several hospitals across the region. For the most part, these are respirators and ultrasound devices. In regard to Croatia, they directed their funds to the General County Hospital in Nasice, KBC Osijek and the Croatian Red Cross, while, like INA, they also sent funds for the design of protective visors to the Rudjer Boskovic Technical School in Vinkovci.

A1 Croatia - donated 1.5 million kuna

One of the leading telecom companies in Croatia, A1 Croatia, donated equipment worth 1.5 million kuna to the Dubrava Clinical Hospital. This is the equipment needed to quickly install and connect the patients with the most serious symptos to oxygen therapy.

IKEA - donated 1.5 million kuna

The famed Swedish furniture manufacturer operating in Croatia also has donated 1.5 million kuna to the Croatian health care system. In addition, in partnership with the Croatian Red Cross and various government institutions, IKEA donated mattresses, textiles, food and other essential products to both patients and medical professionals.

Zagrebacka banka - donated 1.3 million kuna

Zagrebacka banka donated 1.3 million kuna to Croatian hospitals to help cover medical expenses, purchase medical equipment and repair earthquake damage.

Erste Bank - donated 1.3 million kuna

The ''Dr. Fran Mihaljevic'' Clinic for Infectious Diseases was sent 1 million kuna by Erste Bank to assist with the procurement of the necessary medical equipment. Erste Card Club also joined in with the donation to the health care system, which paid 300,000 kuna into the account of the Zagreb Children's Disease Clinic to help repair the material damage caused by the earthquake.

Kaufland and Lidl - donated one million kuna

Unlike the Croatian companies listed so far, the Kaufland and Lidl retail chains decided to join forces and donated a total of 1 million kuna to Croatian hospitals. The financial aid of 250,000 kuna went to KB Dubrava and the ''Dr Fran Mihaljevic'' Clinic for Infectious Diseases, while 100,000 kuna was paid to KBC Split, KBC Osijek, KBC Rijeka, OB Varazdin and OB Pula.

Podravka - donated 900,000 kuna

In order to help those who currently need the most help, the group's management and vice-presidents waived part of their income and donated it for humanitarian purposes. The campaign raised 900,000 kuna and directed those funds to hospitals to procure much-needed respirators and other essential medical equipment.

RBA - donated 525,000 kuna

Raiffeisen Bank donated 525,000 kuna to the PALČIĆI Parents Club for the purchase of medical devices necessary for the development and life of premature infants.

Franck - donated 300,000 kuna

To help institutions that cater to those most in need, Franck provided coffee, tea and self-service appliances worth 300,000 kuna. The company, in collaboration with the Croatian Red Cross, referred its products to healthcare professionals, emergency services, and volunteers across the country.

Dukat - donated 225,000 kuna

Dukat donated 30,000 litres of milk worth 225,000 kuna to citizens most at risk of a coronavirus epidemic and to those who have suffered material damage caused by the Zagreb earthquake, and the products will be distributed to citizens over three consecutive months.

Addiko Bank - donated 200,000 kuna

Addiko Bank has sent 200,000 kuna to KBC Osijek and KB Dubrava for the purchase of essential medical devices and protective equipment through the campaign 'Croatia against Coronavirus'.

Plinacro - donated 113,500 kuna

Plinacro paid a total of 113,500 kuna to the Together for Zagreb and Croatia against Coronavirus campaigns.

Pevex (formerly Pevec) - donated 100,000 kuna

Pevex donated construction materials worth 100,000 kuna for the purpose of the urgent preventive repair of roofs on earthquake damaged buildings in Zagreb.

For more on Croatian companies, follow Made in Croatia. For all you need to know about coronavirus in relation to Croatia, follow our dedicated section.
