Made in Croatia

Economist Jeppe Christiansen Joins Croatian Bellabeat Team

By 3 December 2020

December the 3rd, 2020 - The Croatian Bellabeat, which currently holds an enviably strong position on the market as a data company and has overcome many an obstacle since its founding, has seen a very well known economist from Scandinavia join its already impressive ranks.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the Croatian Bellabeat is continuing to raise the business it engages in to an even higher level by having economist Jeppe Christiansen join its team. The economist is otherwise world-renowned expert in investment and business circles.

Thw world-renowned Scandinavian economist is also a professor at the University of Copenhagen and a director at the Lego Group, the world's largest toy manufacturer. On top of all of that, he is also vice president of Novo Nordisk, a multinational pharmaceutical company with manufacturing facilities and offices across thirteen countries and annual revenue of 19.2 billion US dollars.

Jeppe will focus on positioning he Croatian Bellabeat as a data firm and help them make key collaborations with the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, where they see huge potential for Bellabeat because of the data it has.

The Croatian Bellabeat was otherwise among the very first to recognise the great global leap of the women’s wellness industry. Over the past four years, they have developed an original approach in the wellness sector and introduced personalised wellness programmes based on the menstrual cycles of women. The Croatian Bellabeat uses about 50,000 new data sets for each person, and by putting highly individual data at the very centre of the algorithm, Bellabeat provides each woman with the optimal way to achieve her goals including a weight loss programme, maintaining her desired weight, achieving pregnancy, optimising sleep, and much more.

With his economic knowledge and world-renowned investment experience, Jeppe Christiansen will make a significant contribution to Bellabeat over the next phase of this successful Croatian company's expansion and the desired conquest of the demanding and challenging wellness market.

''Bellabeat has a very strong position in the market as a data company, given that old industries such as pharmaceuticals have very serious problems in the wellness sector, as well as innovations in that same sector, and if they go in this direction, Bellabeat has a great chance to establish itself as a leading data company on the global wellness market,'' stated Jeppe Christiansen.

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