Made in Croatia

Brodosplit Constructing Wind Power Testing Platform for French Client

By 2 October 2022

October the 2nd, 2022 - The Croatian shipbuilding yard Brodosplit keeps ending up in the news for all the wrong reasons as shipbuilding in this country continues to suffer, but some positive news comes in the form of it now being engaged in constructing a wind power testing platform for a French client.

As Morski writes, this innovative data collection unit being built by Brodosplit for the French will collect information that will be used to better understand everything from wind turbulence to air and marine life at the project site. The project regards the building of a platform for collecting marine data on one of the floating "macrozones", which is being installed in the Mediterranean Sea near the coast of France.

The technology operator is Ocergy, and this pilot unit is part of their wider ''Blue Oracle'' project. A platform with both lidar and subsea equipment to assess marine resources and characterise how things are within that environment at a given time has been approved by the French Minister of Maritime Affairs, and the structure will be deployed just outside the French region of Occitania, the southernmost region of metropolitan France, excluding Corsica.

Christian Cermelli, president of Ocergy SAS, the Ocergy subsidiary that runs ''Blue Oracle'', told Recharge:

''Soon, when the second phase of the project begins, the OCG-Data buoy will collect high-resolution metocean and biodiversity data Most of the main suppliers of the Blue Oracle project have been selected, including Brodosplit for the construction of the buoy, Euroports, for the assembly of the buoy and the shore base in Port-la-Nouvelle, and Vryhof for the anchor and mooring. The unit will be equipped with a Vaisala wind deflector lidar.

Other companies involved in the project include: Tachyssema Developpement, which is supplying the energy management system, Scada and onboard instrumentation; The University of Perpignan CREM – UPVD, which oversees marine biodiversity studies, and Sense of life, which will deal with the monitoring and analysis of seabirds.

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