
Croatia Closes its Borders for Economic Migrants

By 19 November 2015

Only refugees from Iraq, Palestine, Syria and Afghanistan will be able to cross the border from now on

Croatian Minister of Interior Ranko Ostojić confirmed on Thursday, November 19, 2015 that Croatia is closing its borders for economic migrants. Refugees from Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Afghanistan will still be accepted and registered before they continue their journey to Slovenia and further on to their final destination.

This decision comes as a chain reaction since the same measure was implemented last night and early this morning by Serbia and Macedonia. Slovenia has also closed its borders for economic migrants and already tried to send 162 people back to Croatia, all of them coming from countries that are not considered war zones ( Morocco, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Liberia). Croatia denied the request so those migrants are still in Slovenia.

According to Melita Šunjić, UNHCR's spokesperson, Serbia started turning migrants back to Macedonia around 6 PM, Macedonia close its border around 3 AM and around 100 people are currently stranded in no man's land.

