
In Dalmatia, December to Be Unusually Warm

By 29 November 2015

An Indian Summer in Dalmatia for December.

At its very end, November demonstrated why it is called "studeni" (the cold one) in Croatian. Fortunately, on Tuesday a much warmer and somewhat rainier December begins. The weather conditions for the last month of the year have been forecast by Tomislava Hosjak, a meteorologist with the State Meteorological Office. "In Dalmatia, December will be warmer than average, especially in the first two weeks, with temperatures significantly higher than the mean values", Hosjak said, reports Slobodna Dalmacija on November 28, 2015.

It is obvious that the last month of this year will continue the trend of rising temperatures, since even November was marked by a long series of unusually warm days, and only at its very end brought us a somewhat colder weather. December is the first winter month according to meteorologists, but it seems that, at least as far as Dalmatia is concerned, winter clothes will not be needed. Apparently, the warmer weather will continue for the whole month, but in its second half it will be much rainier.

A more detailed forecast for the second part of the month will not be available for a while, but it is possible that the days before Christmas could be marked by changeable weather conditions with rain.

This weekend will bring a change in weather conditions, but significantly warmer weather will not begin before the last day of November. This forecast, especially for the first part of December, will certainly appeal to organizers of numerous Advent festivities in Dalmatia, because warmer weather will mean many more guests on town waterfronts, squares and streets.
