
Croatian Love Story of the Century - Klepetan is Back for Malena!

By 12 April 2017

He is Still Alive: Klepetan Returns to his Malena!

N1 reports the news we’ve all been waiting to hear (and almost gave up on any hope): one of the most beautiful love stories in Croatia (and most certainly the most famous one from the avian kingdom) is still going strong!

Today, sometime after 3 pm, Klepetan, one of the world’s most famous storks, appeared in their nest in Brodska Varoš, more than two weeks late. And, apparently, we weren’t the only ones almost giving up on him, as the love of his life, Malena, was there with another mate. Klepetan wouldn’t have any of that, so he kicked the other guys arse, threw out their eggs and took his place: in their nest, right next to his Malena.

Stjepan Vokić, the person taking care of Malena for the past 10 years says that the fight was intense, and he had to clean the blood off Klepetan’s wing. There’s still no news of how the other guy is doing.

Now the most famous bird couple in Croatia (and probably on the top 10 on the world-wide list) can continue their 14- year love story and add more birds to already impressive 54 they’ve had together!

There used to be a web-cam recording Klepetan and Malena's nest. If it still exists, we certainly hope to see the footage of the fight soon...
