
Croatia Airlines on why Zagreb - Dubrovnik Flight ended up in Italy

After the rather bizarre reason provided after a standard flight from Zagreb to Dubrovnik ended up landing in the Italian capital after midnight last night, we have more on the story...

As we reported earlier today, a Croatia Airlines flight heading south from Zagreb to Dubrovnik ended up landing in Rome around an hour after midnight last night, with a pretty weird reason being for it being stated. Read more here.

There has been an attempt to clear up some of the confusion surrounding the flight that ended up landing in another country as opposed to taking an otherwise simple approximately 50 minute domestic journey:

''Croatia Airlines flight OU664 Zagreb - Dubrovnik could not land at Dubrovnik Airport. That is why it was decided that the aircraft should be flown back to MZL Zagreb, but MZL Zagreb did not inform that the recepit of the Airbus 320 and its 124 passengers was no longer possible at the time (just past midnight). The aircraft was diverted to Rome, where all passengers were put up in a hotel paid for by Croatia Airlines. In accordance with European regulations, the company will provide all passengers with the first available flight to their final destination, Dubrovnik. Croatia Airlines apologises to all those affected for the disturbance of the planned trip''

According to information from HRT, an official response to the incident will be provided by Zagreb's Franjo Tudjman Airport on Monday.
