Could the chairman of Dubrovnik's Plavi Taxi operator offer any clarity on the ongoing situation between Uber and Croatia's taxi services?
DuList spoke to Ivica Smoljko of Dubrovnik's Plavi Taxi taxi operator who regretfully stated that taxi drivers were left with little choice other than to protest once again, as we have seen today in Dubrovnik, Split and Zagreb.
''We apologise to our fellow citizens, this is the worst thing that we could do, but this is the only way [in which to express our dissatisfaction] we have left. In the last few weeks, 74 Uber vehicles from all over Croatia came to the Dubrovnik area. We are sorry that we must show our dissatisfaction with the illegal carrier in this manner, but we don't have a choice'' Smoljko told DuList.
''The responsibility has been shifted from one ministry to another, and now to the judiciary, and they [Uber] are doing what they do 100% illegally. They are not remotely in line with the Law on Transport in Road Traffic. Uber violates Articles 56 and 57,'' added the Plavi Taxi chairman.
''There is a wrong public impression that we're protesting the competition. We spontaneously expressed dissatisfaction because they don't respect the rule of law, which is apparently not applied to everyone!'' - Smoljko stated, concluding by thanking Dubrovnik's Mayor Mato Frankovic for addressing the problem.
Excerpts taken and translated from DuList