
HAK Issues Warning: Avoid the Roads on these Six Days in August!

By 31 July 2017

In August, HAK (Croatian Automobile Club) expects very heavy traffic on the 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 19th and 26th of the month. Increased traffic will also be seen on Mondays and Fridays.

While no one dreams of sitting in hours of traffic on their family vacations, time and time again, most travelers choose to hit the roads at the same time, and typically when crowds are expected to be the largest.

Because avoiding traffic jams is nearly impossible, there are ways you can, at the very least, adapt to the situation. 

With that said, HAK has issued a warning to travelers planning on hitting Croatian roads this August, emphasizing six crucial days to avoid if you're planning on reaching your final destination safe, sound, and with most of your sanity left, reports Vecernji List on July 31, 2017. 

If we were able to predict unforeseen circumstances and roadside traffic accidents, crowded roads could be detected in advance. But since we aren’t that far into the future yet, we have to go with what we know, and HAK - seasoned professionals in this kind of thing - are here to help us with what they know. 

Traditionally, travelers usually embark on their journeys on Friday afternoons, after work. Without having to say too much, this is usually the worst option - the roads are bound to be crowded and the drivers are typically tried. By Saturday morning, drivers are usually better rested, but crowded roads are still a factor - think of everyone looking forward to a beach day on Saturday mornings!

The same logic applies for Saturday and Sunday afternoons when many of us choose to return home from our seaside visits. In addition, this is a prime time when many guests are shifting in and out of tourist apartments, adding even more to the road buzz. 

Just because this has been the trend for all of these years, doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to follow it this time around. If you’re planning on returning from the sea on Sunday, get on your way early Sunday morning. Depending on the conditions of your workplace, try to take vacations from Tuesday to Tuesday. In that case, even when you do leave the sea, you’re less likely to encounter an immeasurable row of cars.

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Lucky for you, HAK has created a traffic density calendar this year as a helpful tool for travelers in the fight against traffic. Thus, in August, HAK expects very heavy traffic on the 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 19th and 26th of the month. Heavy traffic should also be expected every Monday and Friday through August 15th, including Velika Gospa, followed by every Friday, Sunday and Monday until Monday, August 28th, when traffic should be more moderate.

Throughout August, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are ideal travel days because crowds are not expected. The exceptions to this rule are on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 15th and 16th, when the roads may see an increase in traffic due to the holiday.

Due to the increased intensity of traffic on Croatian roads, the Ministry of Interior has warned of the increasing number of traffic accidents and injuries this year. Last year, most road accidents occurred on our roads during the month of August where there were 41 casualties that occurred from 33 accidents. A total of 307 people were killed in 2016 and a total of 375 people were injured last August, making the month one of the most dangerous to drive in Croatia. Last August also recorded the largest number of non-critical injuries from traffic accidents - 1392.

Most of these traffic accidents, according to MUP, were due to human error. Therefore, drivers on the roads can expect increased police controls and all available speed monitoring devices, as well as those that determine the degree of alcoholism, are fully operational. Police officers have received specific instructions from the Police Directorate to continuously punish drivers who have severely violated basic traffic regulations.

The ultimate lesson you can take from all of this? Stay off the roads during these six critical dates, and drive safely!

Translated from Vecernji List 
