A whole third of the population of the European Union cannot afford to go on holiday for a week, reports RTL.
To be more precise, 32.9 percent of people living in EU countries can't enjoy even a single week of vacation out of their place of residence. Families with small children make up 34.6% of those, while people who don't have children make up 31.3% of unfortunate EU citizens who won't get to relax on a beach this year.
The lowest percentage of those who cannot afford a vacation is reported in Sweden (8.2%), followed by Luxembourg (13.1%), Denmark (13.7%), Finland (14.2%), Austria (15.4%), and Netherlands (16.2%).
On the opposite end of the scale, Romania and Croatia take the lead with 66.6% and 62.8% respectively. The list of countries with the highest percentage of people unable to afford a vacation also includes Bulgaria (56.4%), Greece (53.6%), Cyprus (53.5%), and Hungary (50.7%).
Judging by the state of Croatian economy, these figures, however depressing they might seem, don't really come as a surprise.