
Mato Franković: Today is the Day of All Croatian Victories!

By 5 August 2017

Warm words from the popular young Dubrovnik Mayor.

On the occasion of the Day of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving and the Day of Croatian Defenders, the Mayor of the City of Dubrovnik Mato Franković sent a congratulatory message that we will bring to you, translated in its entirety:


''Dear citizens of Dubrovnik! Dear Defenders!

The Day of Victory, Homeland Thanksgiving and the Day of Croatian Defenders is a time when we remember the days of our struggle for freedom and for independence, but also the days when Croatia achieved its greatest victory through the [joint] military-police action - Operation Storm (Oluja).

Today is the day of all Croatian victories, but also the day when we have to remember the heavy, bloody path that the Croatian people had to take to achieve their greatest dream - freedom and a free homeland.

By marking the anniversary of Operation Storm, Victory Day, Homeland Thanksgiving and the Day of Croatian Defenders, the feelings of true pride and gratitude to all of our defenders who have enabled us to live and breathe freely in our homeland today are interwoven.

At this time of remembering our war veterans, we cannot not thank our mothers, sisters, grandmothers, who have also submitted their sacrifices by sending their sons, fathers, husbands and brothers out into the struggle for our freedom.

Unfortunately, alongside feelings of immense pride and gratitude, there are also feelings of sadness because we are aware that we have paid for our freedom with the most valuable thing, and that is human life.

The Day of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving and the Day of Croatian Defenders will always be a permanent reminder of the power of love for ones country and freedom!

On behalf of the City of Dubrovnik and in my own personal name, I congratulate the people of Dubrovnik on [the occasion of] the Day of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving and the Day of Croatian Defenders.

With my own personal respect and immense gratitude, I congratulate all of our defenders.

Mato Franković''
