
Crisis Averted After Tourists Rent Speedboat in Šibenik, Pour Fuel into Wrong Tank

By 21 August 2017

A possible tragedy was prevented by a fire brigade in Šibenik on Saturday, reports Š on August 21, 2017.

A Hungarian family on holiday in Croatia rented a speedboat in marina Mandalina in Šibenik on Saturday, August 19. When they went to refuel the boat, things quickly took a potentially catastrophic turn.

A witness stated the tourists stopped at a gas station for boats in Dumboka and opened the wrong container. "He poured in 130 litres of fuel that never reached the reservoir, but spilled around the boat instead. I can't fathom why nobody at the station warned him, instead allowing him to get the boat running and to sail away with his wife and two small children! It might be because the station is managed by only one employee per shift, and he has too much work to be able to notice everything that goes on. They can only thank God for being alive right now, for not dying in a blaze. If the boat had an inboard engine, everything would have caught fire. The starter motor would have blown them all up: the boat, the family, and everything around them. Once again, thank God it was a Penta, not an inboard engine", he said.



Three fire engines hurried to the site after they received word about the event, as the incident could have endangered people's lives and belongings, as well as polluted the sea. The firemen intervened in time, made sure the tourists were safe and pumped the gas out of the boat.


Photo credit: Š
