
50 New Kennels and 200,000 Kuna for Žarkovica

By 21 October 2017

Good news for Žarkovica!

As Dubrovnik Press Portal writes on the 20th of October, 2017, 50 dog houses arrived at Žarkovica animal shelter, according to a statement by Dubrovnik's City Administration.

The announcement states that the City of Dubrovnik has initiated the purchase of a total of 100 dog houses.

The delivery of 50 of the aforementioned kennels is the first phase of the project, and the city states that "the kennels are being set up to ensure that the dogs at Žarkovica will have the best possible conditions for accommodation and care until a new city animal shelter is constructed.''

Otherwise, the first attempt by the new city administration to build a new, legal animal shelter which aligns with the numerous regulations, as opposed to the unregistered shelter at Žarkovica, for which a veterinary inspection banned the introduction of new animals, was lost after the inhabitants of Pobrežje and Osojnik rebelled against the proposed new location, clearly stating that they didn't want a shelter for abandoned animals built in their vicinity.

The media reported today that the City of Dubrovnik has provided 100,000 kuna for the renovation of the fence in the area of the ​​current animal shelter at Žarkovica, as well as an additional 100 thousand kuna donation to go towards the other incurred costs of running the shelter.
