
Bura Drama: Port Authority Split Saves Fisherman Lost in Storm

By 28 October 2017

On the 26th October 2017, a 76-year-old fisherman got lost at sea near Stobreč thanks to strong Bura winds.

Yesterday's sudden appearance of strong bura wind caught many people off guard. Apart from trees getting torn down and roads getting closed for traffic, no serious consequences have been reported – but there was one individual who might have met a terrible fate if it weren't for the officers of the Port Authority in Split.

On Thursday night, a 76-year-old fisherman got lost at sea near Stobreč, Index reports on October 28, 2017. The man was taken aback by the strong wind and forceful impact of waves, losing control over the boat in the process.

The National Centre for Search and Rescue Operations at Sea got a call from a witness around 10 in the evening, stating he has spotted a small boat that was experiencing some trouble. His story was confirmed by another call that came in at 10:25, from the fisherman's family member who reported the man had gone missing in the storm.

At the moment the call was made, the ferry Hrvat was closest to the site of the accident, so the ship headed for the area the man could possibly be found at. Close to midnight, the officers of the Port Authority Split located the missing fisherman; fortunately, he was not injured. The Port Authority's vessel attempted to tow the fishing boat back to Split, but the latter got sunk by big waves on the way to the shore. The crew and the fisherman safely arrived in Split half an hour after midnight. 
