
Winter is Coming: Snow and Strong Wind in Dalmatia!

By 9 November 2017

A sudden turn of events in Dalmatia on the weather front - time to don your winter coats!

We already know we’re about to bear some poor weather in the coming week, but the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service just came out with more surprising news: on Tuesday, November 14, it will snow in Split!

Over the weekend, we can expect mild temperatures around 15 degrees Celsius, quite normal for November. Heavy rain is expected from Saturday until Wednesday, reports Slobodna Dalmacija on November 9, 2017.

And then, on Tuesday, certain parts of Dalmatia will be presented with an unexpected occasion: snow, and a substantial temperature drop to 6-9 degrees Celsius during daytime.

According to the forecast, apart from Split, it will snow in Zadar, Sinj and Knin. In this strange turn of events, Dalmatia is headed for a couple of days colder than in continental Croatia – for example, no snow has been announced for Zagreb.

Other parts of Dalmatia are facing loads of rain and strong bura wind – time to gear up, put on your winter coats and make sure you have an umbrella on you at all times. It also might be a good idea to install your winter tyres.

Here’s a rundown of the forecast in Dalmatia:






