Remember that dream you always had as a kid about taking your pet to school with you? Well, the students might be a bit older than you were when that thought first struck you, but one faculty in Osijek is making it possible!
If you're anything like me, you hate looking back and seeing your pet sadly watching you through the window leave as you head off somewhere. You may do it daily, but somehow the confused and abandoned look on your cat or dog's face doesn't seem to fade and every time a tiny piece of your heart breaks. Luckily, one insititution has realised that animals bring a whole new element to certain environments that humans simply don't have the knack for.
As RTL writes on the 12th of November, 2017, one Osijek faculty is clearly leaps and bounds in front of the others as a unanimous decision was passed to allow pets to come with their owners to study. Dogs are naturally at the forefront of this move, but other pets are more than welcome too! Such a positive move will primarily benefit people with health problems of various kinds who may need the aid of service dogs and other animals.
Since November the 9th this year, pets have been being welcomed with open arms at the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek thanks to the interesting and very popular proposal of the Management Board which was unanimously accepted by the Faculty Council at its last session, reports
In accordance with the new move, a special rulebook has been laid down, which defines the safety and hygiene conditions that pet owners who intend to bring their animals with them have to adhere to when entering the faculty with their furry friends. This includes registration, and being able to confim that your pet won't be an obstacle in the usual functioning of things, such as in exams and teaching.