"We hope this protest will entice state institutions to uphold court decisions and do their duty.”
Members of this sailing club from Split are set to organize a protest this coming Saturday, February 24th, in an attempt to focus the attention of relevant city institutions on the occupation of the club by club secretary Vlado Bužančić, for whom they claim is unlawfully holding office, striving to push out club members for his personal interests.
Speaking at the protest will be Damir Dominović, President of Zenta Sailing Club and Optimist class coach Bruna Mandić, as well as representatives of children enrolled in the club. Zenta is one of the most significant sailing clubs, whose members include Olympian Ivan Kljaković Gašpić
What exactly is going on in Zenta was explained by Damir Dominović: “Unfortunately, we have to deal with bad people. Secretary Vlado Bužančić and harbor captain Vlado Majić have turned the Zenta sports harbor into a nautical tourism harbor. They operate illegally, trying to push out sailing as we are in the way. On several occasions they shut off electricity and water for sailors, also damaging the boat trailer used by kids in the Optimist class. The Zenta Club has been denied funds illegally for years. The matter dragged out in courts, and they kept collecting without authorization. We point out that since 2010 Bužančić was appointed illegally, taking authority and forging documentation, which we proved in court after 7 years, but the State Attorney Office and police still do not react. Court, Ministry and State Administration Office decisions are not heeded. Since we have expended other means, we have decided to organize this protest. We hope it will entice state institutions to uphold court decisions and do their duty.”