
110 Million Kuna Investment for Rab

By 24 February 2018

Rab is preparing for the tourist season with a rather large investment.

As Morski writes on the 23rd of Febbruary, 2018, the increasingly popular island of Rab is a quality tourist destination that is getting arrangements and preparations underway for 2018's expectedly busy tourist season with an impressive investment of almost 110 million kuna in infrastructure. The hotels and public areas are being done up and renovated, and much better, easier connections from the island to the mainland are in the works.

With its rich gastronomic offer, cultural heritage and natural beauty, the island of Rab has been rightfully and deservedly positioned as a popular holiday destination for the past few years, regardless of which part of the season is in question.

In the pre and post-season, Rab is an ideal weekend getaway destination for many from all over the country, and as Poslovni Dnevnik rightly points out, with the increasingly promising statistics for Rab on the rise, there is a significant need for a proper and modern connection with the mainland for both Rab residents and tourists visiting the island.

A new ferry, which we reported on recently will aid Rab's push into Croatia's competitive tourist forefront all the more, and the vessel itself, besides being a valuable investment for Rapska Plovidba, is also of great importance for the island of Rab and its people on many different levels. The investment of more than 58 million kuna will significantly raise the overall quality of life on Rab, as well as help to improve the development of the destination on a larger scale.

In time for the quickly approaching tourist season of 2018, Rab residents and their guests will also have a renovated Donja Ulica (street). The renovation is an investment worth about four million kuna, covered by funds from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Budget of the Republic of Croatia, as well as of the City of Rab.

In order to further increase Rab's tourist accommodation capacities, improve the quality of the said accommodation and the tourist offer in general, work on the expansion and repositioning of two hotels is ongoing. The Arbiana tourist facility will completely renovate existing accommodation units and create new ones, with the aim of achieving maximum energy efficiency for the entire facility. The Grand Hotel Imperial will also be upgraded, which will be reserved for adults following a new investment, with a large number of accommodation units and new, modern amenities for its visitors.
