January 11, 2018 - The BBC catches up with Croatia's 'Break the Silence' campaign, which is focused on brutal pregnancy 'care' in Croatian hospitals.
It is almost three months since TCN first featured the 'Break the Silence' campaign, which highlighted the abuse and poor treatment women are often subjected to in Croatian hospitals.
Tonight the campaign to highlight the issue has reached a much more powerful voice - the BBC in London.
"Croatia has been experiencing its own #MeToo moment, as women protest at being put through avoidable suffering and abuse during pregnancy and childbirth.Croatia has been experiencing its own #MeToo moment, as women protest at being put through avoidable suffering and abuse during pregnancy and childbirth.
"Campaigners call it "obstetric violence" and complain it has been going on for decades.
"But it was not until one opposition MP spoke out in parliament about her own ordeal that a national debate started on social media - under the hashtag #BreakTheSilence.
"Ivana Nincevic-Lesandric described the "medieval treatment" she had experienced at the hands of medical staff after a miscarriage."