
UNICEF Donates HRK 480,000 For Upgrading Distance Learning

By 3 June 2020

ZAGREB, June 3, 2020 - UNICEF Croatia has donated over HRK 480,000 for upgrading the infrastructure needed for secure distance learning, its officials said on Wednesday.

The procurement of a new data storage system enables a secure and quality implementation of online education in Croatia, a press release said.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the amount of data in CARNET (Croatian Academic and Research Network) systems increased multifold in a short time, so UNICEF has invested in tape libraries so that all data and contents can be safely stored.

This step, it was said, has long term effects on education also as children will use virtual classrooms and online learning tools also after returning to school.

Science and Education Minister Blazenka Divjak said distance learning in Croatia was a pioneering endeavour thanks to which education was ensured for students in extraordinary circumstances due to the pandemic.

"Thanks to the curricular reform in schools, we equipped them in time, creating the prerequisites so that this type of teaching could be possible," she said, thanking the donors.

"Since distance learning began, half a million teachers and students daily have been accessing numerous apps, services, and tools via their electronic identity in the AAI@EduHr system," said CARNET director Goran Kezunovic.

The head of UNICEF Croatia, Regina M. Castillo, said education was not just the right of every child but the biggest opportunity they could be given.

UNICEF has also worked on providing tablets and SIM cards for needy children as well as on the preparation of guidelines and advice on COVID-19 so that children, parents, and experts are informed in time and correctly, she added.

(€1 = HRK 7.58)
