
Health Minister Beros Comments on New Coronavirus Cases in Croatia

By 18 June 2020
Health Minister Beros Comments on New Coronavirus Cases in Croatia

June 18, 2020 - Health Minister Vili Beros said on Thursday that the appearance of new coronavirus cases in Croatia over the last few days is not unexpected, which shows that caution is still needed. So far, there are no tourists among those infected who have come to vacation in Croatia.

"The fact is that the virus is still among us. The most important thing is that in all new cases, we know the way of infection, that the epidemiological service quickly detected all patients and that all necessary epidemiological measures were taken," Beros said on N1.

He points out that among the infected, there are no tourists who came to Croatia on vacation, but it cannot be ruled out that there will be.

"We opened up at one point, it was our decision and need, and if there is a resurgence of patients, we have ready measures that we can take," said Beros, who is attending an exercise in Dubrovnik to establish the Emergency Helicopter Medical Service during the summer season.

New data from the National Civil Protection Headquarters on the number of patients are expected at 2 pm, and according to the latest data, two new cases of coronavirus were discovered today in Istria, while there are at least four infected people from Zagreb's Hrvoje Pozar Institute.

Furthermore, in Split-Dalmatia County, out of a total of 66 processed tests, there are 3 newly diagnosed patients - two from Split and one from Solin.

"Three new coronavirus cases were confirmed in Croatia on Wednesday, and in recent days, we have inputs from abroad and local transmission of the virus within Croatia," epidemiologist Bernard Kaic from the Croatian Institute of Public Health told HRT this morning, adding that we relaxed too soon.

According to yesterday's data from the National Civil Protection Headquarters, there is one newly infected person from Split-Dalmatia County, and two from Zagreb. One came from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the other is the contact of an infected person from abroad. But due to the number of people placed in self-isolation, more are expected to be infected.

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