
England Announces Official Non-Quarantine Countries - Croatia On List

July the 3rd, 2020 - Up until now there has been a lot of confusion and even more speculation on the rules and regulations introduced by the European Union and indeed respective European countries. England has just made something a lot clearer. And that is that Croatia is officially on the list of countries from which you can arrive and not need to go into self-isolation when entering Great Britain.

While Slovenia might have a few bones to pick with Croatia by putting it on its ''green list'' and then quickly removing it in a matter of days, one powerful European country has given Croatia the green light it truly deserves for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic and its favourable epidemiological picture, which ironically is the polar opposite of the UK's unfortunate situation at the moment.

Regardless of that, England has officially stated that those coming from Croatia officially do not need to go into self-isolation when arriving on British territory as of the 10th of July, 2020.

Links for more information on this as well as the other countries on the ''self-isolation free'' list the United Kingdom has put together can be found by clicking on the British Government's official website.

A write up on the matter (which is currently live) by the Guardian can be found here.

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