
Jadrolinija Traffic Plunges In First Half of 2020

Jadrolinija saw a 50 percent drop in passenger traffic during the first half of 2020, mostly due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Jadrolinija saw a 50 percent drop in passenger traffic during the first half of 2020, mostly due to the coronavirus pandemic.

July 12, 2020 — Croatia’s national ferry company Jadrolinija saw a significant drop in traffic over the first half of 2020.

In the first six months of this year, Jadrolinija's ships carried 52 percent of passengers and 62 percent fewer vehicles compared to the same period last year, and 42 percent of commercial revenues from ticket sales were generated, according to Index.

The national ferry firm predicts a 50 percent drop in traffic this year compared to last year, noting that it expected traffic by the end of the year will largely depend on the epidemiological situation.

Last year, Jadrolinija transported 12.5 million passengers and 3.2 million vehicles, generating a total revenue of HRK 977.8 million. Revenues from ticket sales for passengers and vehicles made up more than half of Jadrolinija's total revenues last year.

The company adjusted its operations to the crisis management method. It’s currently focused on preserving the health of employees and service users by following measures taken according to the instructions of the Civil Protection Directorate. 

All activities that are not necessary for operational functioning have been suspended, and activities related to securing additional sources of financing are being continuously undertaken.

Jadrolinija is introducing three newly-acquired ships into the fleet this year: the ship "Ugljan" on the line Zadar - Preko sailed in early July; "Faros" is expected in early August when it will take over the line Split - Hvar; and the ship "Lošinj" is in the shipyard in the phase of preparation and necessary equipment, in order to meet the regulations for obtaining a certificate and be able to sail in Croatia.

"Fleet renewal projects and planned investments have been postponed until the end of the year, and after the end of the season and the achieved results, together with the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, we will continue further necessary investments," the company said.

The resumption of traffic on the international line Zadar - Ancona was announced, and Jadrolinija confirmed that ships on that line will start operating in early August, given the Italian tourist market and the demand of Italian passengers, but also depending on the development of the human epidemic.

Jadrolinija emphasizes that all measures of the National Civil Protection Headquarters are being systematically implemented, including the obligation to wear protective masks, which has been in force since June 25.

"Our crews on ships adopted this measure at the beginning of the epidemic, and we are extremely concerned about following the instructions to protect the health of our employees and passengers. Information on the obligation to wear protective masks can be found on our website, and employees at points of sale when buying tickets warn passengers of this protective measure.”

Jadrolinija also says that the crew warns of the provisions when boarding passengers, and the obligation to wear masks is also emphasized through the loudspeaker, during the voyage.

“Jadrolinija also reminds its passengers of other measures to protect against the spread of coronavirus, such as staying in the vehicle on trips shorter than 60 minutes, buying tickets online or the mJadrolinija mobile application, maintaining hygiene and distance from other passengers and employees,” the company said.

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