
HRK 5m Allocated to Ethnic Croat Associations in 12 European Countries

By 17 July 2020
HRK 5m Allocated to Ethnic Croat Associations in 12 European Countries

ZAGREB, July 17, 2020 - The Central State Office for Croats Abroad has adopted decisions on the distribution of five million kuna to Croat minorities in 12 European countries this year.

Of the five million kunas, set aside in the state budget for the financial support of ethnic Croats in European countries in 2020, the highest amount, HRK 1.25 million, has been allocated of for the needs of the Croat community in Serbia, and will finance 46 programmes, including the progamme of providing free of charge textbooks to children attending classes in Croatian.

Thirteen ethnic Croat associations and programmes in Slovenia have been provided with HRK 550,000.

Associations of the Croat minority in both Austria and Hungary have been given 500,000 kuna, whereas the amount of  400,000 kuna has been earmarked to local Croats in Montenegro, and of that 145,000 has been set aside for the Radio Dux a radio station which promotes the interests of the local Croat community. Also in Italy, HRK 400,000 is going to be distributed for eight projects proposed by five Croat societies.

In both Romania and the Republic of North Macedonia, local Croat associations will be assisted with 350,000 kuna, and in Kosovo, 300,000 kuna will be sent mainly for humanitarian purposes such as the provision of free meals and food.

Two ethnic Croat associations in Slovakia have been given 250,000 in total for festivals promoting the folklore and customs of local Croats.

The work of the association of Croats in Czechia has been supported with HRK 100,000 and in Bulgaria, the associations of the Croat minority can count on 50,000 kuna from the Office.

(€1 = HRK 7.526037)
