ZAGREB, Aug 2, 2020 - An alliance of eight European universities, including the University of Zagreb, has received initial support for the development of the European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC) under the European Universities initiative, the University of Zagreb said earlier this week.
UNIC will bring a truly European collaborative structure of universities embedded in post-industrial cities, united by a clear ambition to promote social inclusion with a common commitment to create societal impact, according to the information provided on the UNIC website.
"We will foster a new generation of students who have the knowledge and the skills to create societal impact not just within their own university and city but on a European level."
Apart from the University of Zagreb, the other seven members are the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands; the Koc University of Istanbul, Turkey; the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany; the University College of Cork, Ireland; the University of Deusto of Bilbao, Spain; the University of Oulu, Finland; and the University of Liege, Belgium.
"We have a clear mission to boost mobility and inclusion for societal impact. The UNIC University is well placed to educate through teaching, research and community engagement, towards inclusive societies," UNIC says.