
Croatian Red Cross Launches Appeal for Beirut

By 11 August 2020

ZAGREB, Aug 11, 2020 - Croatia's Red Cross has launched an appeal to raise funds to help Beirut citizens faced with disastrous consequences of a massive explosion that occurred on August 4, saying that all the proceeds collected will be paid to Lebanon's Red Cross organisation to procure food, water, accommodation and health services.

Red Cross Croatia recalled that 137 people were killed in the explosion and that more than 5,000 were injured while dozens of people are still unaccounted for.

About 250,000 people have been left without a roof over their heads as the explosion destroyed buildings up to several kilometres away from the explosion itself.

Red Cross appeals to all citizens to help the people of Beirut and to donate to a special account opened in the Privredna Banka Zagreb. Donations can be paid to: (IBAN) HR38 2340 0091 5110 8494 5, while deposits from abroad need to quote: SWIFT - PBZGHR2X, or online donations at:, the Red Cross said in a press release on Tuesday.

The appeal will remain active until September 9, 2020.
