
Fuchs: Starting Point is That Children Start School on September 7

By 18 August 2020

ZAGREB, Aug 18, 2020 - Science and Education Minister Radovan Fuchs said on Tuesday that the starting point of his ministry was that pupils in Croatia would start school on September 7, noting that the recommendations by a ministry task force will try to take into account all the particularities of educational facilities.

"This is the ministry's starting point, that children will start school on September 7, and by then, all schools, teachers, parents will get instructions on how to act," Fuchs said after a meeting of the task force in charge of elaborating and proposing measures for the start of the 2020/2021 school year during the coronavirus epidemic.

He said that the task force had just started working in this format, and that they would continue to work intensively in the following days. He said that numerous issues had been identified, that is, particularities of certain schools in Croatia, and that the task force had to come up with several versions of measures for them to be equally effective in schools in Zagreb and outside Zagreb.

"All of that will be prescribed in detail," Fuchs said, adding that the task force consisted of competent people from different fields, who can say how complex it is to bring children back to school in autumn, and who firmly believe that with well though-out measures they will manage to do so.

He announced that the measures and guidelines are expected to be prepared by August 31 at the latest.

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