November 28, 2020 – Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the new epidemiological measures announced yesterday, this year, Rijeka Advent will not host any traditional events that used to follow December and the holiday season.
Whereas new epidemiological measures, among other things, also require a ban on all fairs in the country, all Advent events across the country have been canceled.
Considering that, it is reported from the City of Rijeka that the traditional New Year's Eve on Korzo will not be held this year. Of holiday joy, only fireworks will still light the sky above Rijeka at midnight on December 31. Citizens are invited to watch it from their homes and do not gather in the city in a larger number.
The same about avoiding gatherings applies to Saturday, November 28, 2020, when in the late afternoon, the first Advent candle will be lit on Kobler Square. There will also be holiday lighting in the city, but without any occasional program as in previous years.
Advent on Gradina will also include only the main attraction - 17 km of holiday lights on, and there will be no other common facilities on Gradina. Vedran Babić, the organizer of Advent on Gradina, previously confirmed for Riportal that kilometers of lights will remain on Gradina in order to evoke the holiday atmosphere in this unfortunate time for going out and tourism, but there will be no catering offers at that location.
For the third year in a row, in cooperation with the Cathedral of St. Vida, a life-size wooden crib will be set up on Grivica Square.
This year, the traditional Gastro Fest, a joint gastro event of citizens, the distribution of fish and cod on Korzo will not be held either. Also, there will be no catering or sales/fair New Year's houses on Korzo and the surrounding squares.
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