Croatian Foreign Ministry responds to claims by AFP that Tomislav Salopek has been killed.
Even though Agence France Press published ISIS is claiming they killed Tomislav Salopek, Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs promptly responded with a statement saying that there has been no official confirmation of such an event.
Post with a photo and caption that Tomislav Salopek was killed "for his country's participation in the war against the Islamic State" appeared on Twitter half an hour ago, however, given the influx of false and unconfirmed news that have been published in the last few days in this sad and difficult matter, we will wait for further developments and official statements from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
An appeal has been made not to open, download or share the alleged photo of Tomislav's execution not only for the sake of his family but also because that would be exactly what ISIS wants.
PM Milanović to Address the Nation at 5 PM.
According to the press release we just received, Croatian prime Minister Zoran Milanović called an emergency press conference at 5 PM. Milanović will most probably comment on the recent developments in the Salopek case.
Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović just announced that she will be cancelling all previously scheduled appointments this afternoon to tend to urgent Presidental duties.
We will keep you updated.