
Croatia to Procure 2 New COVID Drugs through EU: Vecernji List

By 10 November 2021

ZAGREB, 10 November, 2021 - Croatia, together with other member states of the European Union, is participating in talks on a joint public procurement of two new COVID-19 drugs, Večernji List daily reported on Wednesday.

"We have joined the European Commission's (EC) public procurement to be able to adequately treat our patients. An expert commission will determine the quantities of each drug to be procured for Croatia," Health Minister Vili Beroš said, as carried by the daily.

The European Medicines Agency has started a review of the available data on Merck's medicine against COVID, molnupiravir, to enable interested countries to start with the procurement and use of the medicine as soon as possible, even before it is officially authorised.

At the same time, according to diplomatic sources, the EU is negotiating with Merck, but also with Pfizer, the producer of an antiviral pill, about possible purchase agreements for a drug that would be used to treat COVID patients.

Both pharmaceutical companies have developed drugs that change the course of the infection in clinical trials, and taking them after the onset of symptoms reduces the risk of the severity of the infection and death: Merck's by 50% and Pfizer's by 89%. Both drugs are given for 5 days and are intended for home use.

Tagged under: coronavirus
