
Croatian Reporters Take 5 Ukrainian Children in Their Van En Route to Poland

By 26 February 2022
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ZAGREB, 26 Feb 2022 - Croatian reporters waiting in a long line at a Ukrainian border crossing to enter Poland on Saturday took five Ukrainian children in their van so they could meet with their mother on the Polish side of the border.

"There are many families with children. We, too, have taken five children in our van and will try to drive them to the border crossing. The police asked us to. The children's mother is on the other side of the border, in Poland," N1 television reporter Ana Mlinarić said in a broadcast.

Croatian reporters are waiting to leave Ukraine in a kilometres-long line near a border crossing with Poland. Mlinarić tweeted that thousands of Ukrainians are trying to leave the country, fleeing from war.

N1 reporters are sharing the van with crews from RTL and Nova TV who left Kyiv yesterday.
